
English Philology

First-cycle studies

English Philology (first-cycle studies) belongs to the field of humanistic studies. English Philology represents philological sciences, which are based on linguistic and literary research. The studies are oriented towards providing the students with skills and competencies within two main disciplines: linguistics (60% –  main discipline) and literary studies (40%). Additionally, students have the opportunity to acquire basic competencies in the fields of cultural and religion studies, political studies, education, psychology and administration, which may be relevant to their future professional careers.

First-cycle studies familiarize students with the basics of research methodology, which involves the ability to analyze and interpret results of research,  as well as prepare students to perform practical tasks based on the knowledge and skills acquired in specialization courses. After graduating from the first-cycle studies, students may:  a) continue their education in the second-cycle studies offered in the fields of Humanities and Social Studies in Poland and abroad; b) start a professional career in Poland or abroad;  c) continue their education in post-graduate diploma programmes.

The graduate of the first-cycle studies possesses a native-like command of English, both spoken and written. This corresponds to level C1 of communicative competence according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment. Alongside language skills, the graduate has acquired knowledge about the English language, literature as well as about the culture, socio-political reality, current issues, history and traditions of the English-speaking countries.

The graduate’s education is complemented by the knowledge of a second foreign language on at least B1 level. The language training enables the graduate to seek employment in, among others, publishing houses, editorial boards of newspapers and magazines, in the media, in cultural and tourist institutions, in services as well as in translation agencies, offices of territorial administration, similar institutions which cooperate with foreign partners, and in all businesses and institutions which require advanced English language skills and familiarity with the socio-political reality and culture of the English-speaking countries.

English Teaching Specialization

According to the regulation of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, in order to be qualified to teach in grades 4-8 of elementary schools and in secondary schools, the graduate of the English Teaching Specialization in the first-cycle English Philology studies needs to continue education in the Teaching Specialization in the second-cycle English Philology studies and receive the title of magister. The training acquired in the first-cycle studies allows the graduate to be employed in private language schools and in language courses for pre-school and school children.

Translation Studies Specialization

The graduate of the Translation Studies specialization in the first-cycle English Philology studies is equipped with knowledge and skills  in the field of the theory and practice of translation. The graduate is well-prepared to perform oral and written Polish-English and English-Polish translations  of a variety of texts: functional, specialist, and literary.  The graduate is also familiar with basic techniques of oral and audio-visual translation. The qualifications gained in the first-cycle studies prepare  the graduate to continue education in the second-cycle studies in the same, or related,  specialization which awards a master’s degree (magister). The knowledge acquired in the Translation Specialization of the first-cycle studies allow graduates to find employment in translation agencies, publishing houses, cultural institutions and tourist organizations.

Second-cycle studies

English Philology (second-cycle studies) belongs to the field of humanistic studies. English Philology represents philological sciences, which are based on linguistic and literary research. The studies are oriented towards providing students with skills and social competencies within two main disciplines: linguistics (60% –  main discipline) and literary studies (40%). Additionally, students have the opportunity to acquire basic competencies in the fields of cultural and religion studies, political studies, education, psychology and media theory and social communication, which may be relevant to their future professional careers.

Second-cycle studies are aimed at developing students’ research methodology and the skills of critical thinking and of in-depth, multi-faceted evaluation of phenomena. Students develop the ability to work independently on theoretical or practical tasks and to present the result of their research in a professional manner, including the form of research paper. The studies prepare students:  a) to work independently on science or popular science projects; b) to work in positions requiring independence, responsibility, and decision-making ability in the fields of science, education, culture and administration, as well as to perform management functions on the Polish and foreign job markets; c) to conduct research in Polish and foreign universities;  d) to continue studies in post-graduate schools.

The graduate of the second-cycle English philology studies represents a high level of education in the field of humanities, possesses knowledge of literature, culture, tradition and history of the English-speaking countries and a thorough linguistic training. Additionally, the graduate’s knowledge of English, which corresponds to the C2 level, according to the guidelines of Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment,  facilitates the acquisition of additional qualifications to work as a translator, editor, organizer and popularizer of the culture of English speaking countries, etc. Thanks to the knowledge, skills and professional and social competencies, the graduate may find employment in, on the one hand, cultural institutions, publishing houses, newspaper editorial boards, in mass media (the press, radio, television), on the other hand, in public administration, particularly in public administration offices oriented at international cooperation, where a good command of English is required.  For the same reason, the graduate makes a particularly valuable employee of a wide range of companies operating on the international market or cooperating with foreign partners, such as  transportation companies, representative offices of firms based in English-speaking countries, etc.  The graduate achieves the B2+ level (CEFRL) of proficiency in a second foreign language, which allows him or her to find employment beyond the pre-defined sphere of the English language.

English Teaching Specialization

The graduate of the English Teaching Specialization has continued the education started in the first-cycle studies; after being awarded the Master’s degree (magister), the graduate is qualified to teach English in grades 6-8 of elementary school and in secondary schools, according to the regulation of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education concerning the standards of teacher education. Admission to the Teaching Specialization of the second-cycle English Philology studies is based on the completion of the first-cycle English Philology studies. The candidates who completed the first-cycle studies at a University other than Uniwersytet Zielonogórski may need to make up for curriculum differences which result from diverse ways of realizing teacher education standards in universities.

Polish Glottodidactics Specialization 

Within the framework of the English Teaching Specialization students may realize an additional module – Specialization in Polish Glottodidactics.  This specialization equips students with the knowledge and skills allowing them  to teach Polish as a foreign and second language, which answers a growing demand for teachers of Polish in government and private teaching institutions, both in Poland and abroad.  The specialization enables the graduates of the second-cycle programme to acquire competencies which are aligned with recent tendencies in education  and are indispensable to work with foreign-language  learners from diverse cultural backgrounds with limited knowledge of Polish, including learners who experience difficulties in the adaptation process as a result of migration. The graduates of the Glottodidactics Specialization gain extended teaching competencies in diagnosing the proficiency level in Polish and in teaching Polish as a foreign language, which enhances their attractiveness on the Polish and foreign job markets. This specialization is conceived as a complement to the Teaching Specialization; on its own, it does not equip students with qualifications to teach Polish as a foreign language. Teaching practice is conducted within the first specialization – Teaching Specialization.

Translation Studies Specialization

The graduate of the Translation Studies specialization is equipped with knowledge and skills in the field of theory and practice of translation. The graduate is prepared to perform various types of written and oral translations from Polish to English and from English to Polish: official, functional, specialist and literary.  Despite the fact that the character of the second-cycle studies is in principle not vocational, the knowledge and skills acquired in the course of studies broaden the graduate’s employment prospects and enhance the chances of career advancement.  Especially, well-developed social competencies combined with a very good command of English and knowledge of cultural, social and economic specificity prepare the graduate to undertake challenging tasks and to solve problems. Those competencies qualify the graduate to perform management functions  in companies, public institutions and offices, cultural institutions, publishing houses, newspaper editorial boards, translations agencies,  in government administration units, transportation companies, representative offices of firms based in English-speaking countries, etc.

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This project is co-financed by the European Union through the European Social Fund, Program Operacyjny Widza Edukacja Rozwój 2014-2020 "Nowoczesne nauczanie oraz praktyczna współpraca z przedsiębiorcami - program rozwoju Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego", POWR.03.05.00-00-Z014/18